What is Vantage Cloud Hosted Workflows?
The intent of Vantage Cloud Hosted Workflows is to allow a Vantage Workflow definition to be executed entirely independent and without the need for apermanent on-premises Vantage installation.
Vantage is required for the Design and Modification of workflows; but once a workflow is generated and uploaded to a user account within Telestream Cloud; interaction with that workflow is done entire without any dependence upon the on-prem Vantage system. The following illustration conveys the high-level overview of this interaction:

Again, once the workflow is exported as a Compiled Workflow Document and uploaded to Telestream Cloud; the on-prem Vantage system is ONLY needed/required if a modification is required for that workflow (or new workflows are desired).
To reiterate: once a workflow is validated and compiled and placed into an account at Telestream cloud; it MAY NOT BE MODIFIED. If a user wishes to change any aspect of the workflow; the original workflow MUST be manipulated on the original ON-PREMISES Vantage system, re-validated and re-compiled. The workflow must be then re-uploaded to the applicable Telestream Cloud account.
Workflows which have been uploaded to Telestream Cloud as part of Vantage Cloud Hosted Workflows SHALL NOT BE ABLE TO BE UPGRADED. The original, on-premises workflow MUST be manipulated (upgraded on prem); then re-validated, re-compiled and re-uploaded to the applicable Telestream Cloud account.
Updated over 1 year ago