Setting output path format

Creating output files that will have more meaningful names

Custom output path formats helps you store output files in a more organized way by creating keywords-driven folders structures, which can look like this:

  • my-path/:video_id/:profile/:id - will create subfolders with names based on video id, profile name and encoding id.
  • my-path/:original/:date/:id - this example would add subfolders named after source file name, upload date and encoding id

You can set the path format either at a Factory or Profile level. When using API you can also use path_format for Video object to achieve the same goal.

The following keywords can be combined to create a path format:

idID of the encoding.
video_idID of the video.
originalOriginal filename of the uploaded video
dateUpload date in YYYY-MM-DD format
profileProfile name used by the encoding. For the source video original keyword is used.
typeVideo type, original or encodings
resolutionResolution of the video or the encoding (e.g. 1280x720)

By default, if path_format is not being set anywhere, it is set to :id.


Path formats should be unique for each encoding.

By default outputs_path_format/path_format is not set for Video, Factory, Profile objects. Since there are a number of ways to set this, here is the order in which path format is being applied:

  1. Video path_format
  2. Profile outputs_path_format
  3. Factory outputs_path_format

If it is empty for the Video object, we are checking if it is set for Profile etc.