Path Templates

Job Tokens

$date$Current date in the form YYYY-MM-DD (UTC).
$job_id$Job identifier as a 32 hex-digit number in the form 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef.
$original$By default this is the primary input file name excluding the extension.

Container Tokens

$container$Container name property. Used to differentiate multiple containers within a composition.
$extension$Default file extension associated with the container format excluding the seperator, for example mxf.
$uuid$identifier associated with the container in the form 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef. For IMF track files this value represents the UMID material identifier.

Package Tokens

$package$Package name property. Used to differentiate multiple packages within a composition.
$segment$Media segment number (1 based). Incremented for each segment within a variant container.
$time$Media segment time.
$init$Use to differentiate an initialization segment from a media segment. The value is dependent on the package type (typically "init").
$directory$Directory number (1 based). Incremented when a directory reaches the maximum number of segment files.
$kid$Encryption key id identifier as a 32 hex-digit number.

Media Stream Tokens

$track$Track number (1-based). Used to differentiate multiple tracks of the same media type within a container.
$format$Media format as a four character code, for example mp2v. This token can be used when the file container contains a single format.
$video_format$Video format as a four character code, for example mp2v.
$audio_format$Audio format as a four character code, for example mp4a.
$subtitle_format$Subtitle format as a four character code, for example ttml.
$language$ISO 639 Alpha-2 language code, for example en.
$LANGUAGE$ISO 639 Alpha-2 language code, for example EN.
$language3$ISO 639 Alpha-3 language code, for example eng.
$LANGUAGE3$ISO 639 Alpha-2 language code, for example ENG.
$region$ISO 3166 Alpha-2 region code in lower case, for example us.
$REGION$ISO 3166 Alpha-2 region code in upper case, for example US.
$region3$Three letter region code in lower case.
$REGION3$Three letter region code in upper case.
$bps$Media bits per second.
$kbps$Media bitrate in kilobits (10^3) per second.
$mbps$Media bitrate in megabits (10^6) per second.
$media$Media type either video, audio, subtitle or media.
$data$Data type, for example vbi, anc). Used to differentiate multiple data tracks within a container.
$width$Stored image width property.
$height$Stored image height property.
$channels$Audio channels property.
$layout$Audio channel layout.
$pid$Packet Identifier (PID) of the source MPEG-2 Transport Stream.

C Style Format Strings

Similar to printf format strings, C style format stings may be used. For example, OP-Atom audio files can be named $package$A$track:%02d$.mxf, which produces the following files (e.g.):

  • my_packageA01.mxf
  • my_packageA02.mxf
  • my_packageA03.mxf
  • ...
  • my_packageA99.mxf

Note: A leading zero is inserted in front of the single digit track numbers.