Cloud Storage
This is a critically important topic regarding where jobs are executed.
Before continuing with discussions about the Telestream Cloud API, it is important to have a clear understanding of the role that Cloud Storage (in particular the provisions made within Telestream Cloud) has upon jobs which are run and hosted on Telestream Cloud.

The Stores listed in the above interface are what shall be listed when Storage queries are made via the API (discussed below). Further, the storage definitions above define what capabilities that Telestream Cloud has with regards to discovering material.
In particular, if the file that is submitted to the API as a source is some type of reference file (for example: a CML file that may reference other pieces of Media, an IMF sequence or a QuickTime reference file or an IMX OP1B collection); then Telestream Cloud must have access to the entire Storage repository where these files reside. If this is not provided, then Telestream Cloud (and the underlying job which was being processed) will not be able to locate/access all the required material needed to process the job.
Further, and as equally as important, the specification of a STORE during a job (detailed below) defines the Provider and Region where the Cloud Job shall be run. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
For example, the entry for ‘Telestream S3’ corresponds to a bucket which exists in the US EAST 1 region of Amazon S3. If the input for a job resides in some other region (for example: US WEST) and this entry is provided as the STORE where the output shall be placed, then the processing of this job shall take place in a REGION where the input is not located. In order to move the input to the region where the processing shall take place, EGRESS charges shall be incurred by the users account.
To avoid un-necessary EGRESS charges, it is recommended that the INPUT and OUTPUT Stores for given job coincide as much as possible (i.e.: the INPUT and OUTPUT stores should be from the same PROVIDER/REGION as much as possible).
Updated almost 5 years ago