Switching Between Revisions
Once a workflow contains multiple revisions, a user may elect to switch between revisions. Any given workflow may ONLY have a single ‘Active’ revision. The ‘Active’ revision dictates what variables shall be advertised for a workflow, the expected inputs and the various actions which comprise a given workflow.
For example, when the original revision (Revision ID 1) is selected, the details of this workflow can be seen:

If the user selects the 2nd revision (the revision which was uploaded above); then the new changes (i.e.: the newly added Variable) are displayed:

The variable which was added to this version of the workflow is now displayed.
Lastly, notice that the controls allowing a revision to be ‘Made Default’ or ‘Deleted’ are now enabled:
These controls are ONLY enabled for revisions which are not currently ‘Active’.
If the user selects ‘Make Default’ then this revision shall be made the Default revision for this workflow. What this means is that ANY API interaction directed at this workflow OR ANY manual submission via the UI directed at this workflow shall use this revision definition.
In this example, the new variable: ‘File Name’ would be advertised as being expected to be provided (where-as this variable would not have been previously advertised (when the original definition was specified as default).
If a user selects the ‘Delete’ option, then this workflow revision shall be deleted.
Updated over 1 year ago