Submitting a Composition
In the previous topic you submitted a job to a composition in an existing template. This is the easiest way to submit many different input files to the same composition.
Alternatively you can submit a job that includes both the input files and a composition. This method allows the composition to change based on the properties of the input (formats, audio channels, etc.).
For example the following command submits a job with a composition:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: tcs_YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"composition": {
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1"
"audio": [
"name": "a1"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "mp4 ",
"video": [
"route": {
"name": "v1"
"audio": [
"route": {
"name": "a1"
"inputs": {
"input1": {
"url": ""
"outputs": {
"output1": {
"path_format": "output.mp4"
Alternatively you may submit a composition from a file in YAML format. The following example submits a composition from a local file called composition-file.yaml
curl -X POST -H 'X-Api-Key: tcs_YOUR_API_KEY' -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" --data-binary @composition-file.yaml
If the request is successful the response will contain the validated composition and the job ID as shown below.
"account_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID",
"created_at": "2020-11-13T16:19:40.710859104Z",
"updated_at": "2020-11-13T16:19:40.710859104Z",
"factory_id": "FACTORY_ID",
"id": "JOB_ID",
"inputs": {
"input1": {
"path": "",
"store_id": "",
"url": ""
"outputs": {
"output1": {
"path_format": "output.mp4",
"files": null,
"store_id": "ta01b8b399eef3f24e719d652f7e9104"
"processing_duration": null,
"processing_progress": 0,
"queued_duration": null,
"composition": {
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1"
"audio": [
"name": "a1"
"subtitle": null
"reference": "input"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "mp4 ",
"video": [
"route": {
"name": "v1"
"audio": [
"route": {
"name": "a1"
"status": "queued",
"uploading_duration": null,
"uploading_progress": 0
Use the following command to monitor the progress of the job.
curl --header 'X-Api-Key: tcs_YOUR_API_KEY' ''
Updated over 1 year ago