Color Space Conversion
Transform supports Wide Color Gamut (WCG) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) color space conversion.
The color space for a video stream is defined by the following properties:
Properties specified on an input stream provide (or override) the color space information when it is missing (or incorrect). Properties specified on an output stream convert the video to a different color space.
For example the following composition forces the the input color space to narrow range BT.2100 PQ (HDR10) and converts the output color space to BT.2100 HLG:
- name: input1
- name: v1
color_primaries: bt2020
transfer_characteristics: pq
matrix_coefficients: bt2020
video_range: narrow
- name: output1
type: 'mov '
- name: v1
transfer_characteristics: hlg
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"color_primaries": "bt2020",
"transfer_characteristics": "pq",
"matrix_coefficients": "bt2020",
"video_range": "narrow"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "mov ",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"transfer_characteristics": "hlg"
Dynamic Range Compression
The dynamic range of a video stream is defined by the following properties:
For example in a standard dynamic range signal (e.g BT.709) the reference black (0% reflectivity) is 0.0 and the reference white (100% reflectivity) is 1.0 (roughly 200 nits). For HDR10 the reference white is 0.58 indicating that the signal may contain highlights well above 100% reflectivity (up to 10000 nits).
Dynamic range compression preserves highlights when converting from a high dynamic range (HDR) color space to standard dynamic range (SDR).
For example the following composition converts HDR10 to BT709 color space preserving highlights up to 200% of the SDR range:
- name: input1
- name: v1
color_primaries: bt2020
transfer_characteristics: pq
matrix_coefficients: bt2020
video_range: narrow
- name: output1
type: 'mov '
- name: v1
color_primaries: bt709
transfer_characteristics: bt709
matrix_coefficients: bt709
dynamic_range: 2.0
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"color_primaries": "bt2020",
"transfer_characteristics": "pq",
"matrix_coefficients": "bt2020",
"video_range": "narrow"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "mov ",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"color_primaries": "bt709",
"transfer_characteristics": "bt709",
"matrix_coefficients": "bt709",
"dynamic_range": 2.0
Standard Color Spaces
Use the ColorSpace
property to specific a standard color space for an input or output stream (the VideoRange
property can be used as an alias for video_range
). For example the following composition sets the input color space to narrow range HDR10:
- name: input1
- name: v1
ColorSpace: HDR10
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"properties": {
"ColorSpace": "HDR10"
The following standard color spaces are supported:
ColorSpace | color_primaries | transfer_characteristics | matrix_coefficients |
NTSC | ntsc | bt601 | ntsc |
PAL | pal | bt601 | pal |
BT709 | bt709 | bt709 | bt709 |
BT2020 | bt2020 | bt2020 | bt2020 |
HDR10 | bt2020 | pg | bt2020 |
HLG | bt2020 | hlg | bt2020 |
Lookup Table Conversion
Use the LookupTableInput
stream property to provide a lookup table (LUT) for color space conversion.
Transform accepts an RGB LUT in either CUBE or Lustre file formats and supports the following configurations:
- a 1D LUT that performs scaling or transfer function conversions.
- a 3D LUT that performs tone mapping or color primary conversions.
- a 3D LUT with a 1D pre-shaper LUT used to linearize the input.
Note that the output color space must be specified since this information is not provided in the LUT file. For example the following composition uses an external LUT to convert from HDR10 to HLG:
- name: media
- name: v1
ColorSpace: HDR10
VideoRange: narrow
- name: LUT
Kind: data
- name: output1
- route:
name: v1
LookupTableInput: LUT
ColorPrimaries: hlg
VideoRange: narrow
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "media",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"properties": {
"ColorSpace": "HDR10",
"VideoRange": "narrow"
"name": "LUT",
"properties": {
"Kind": "data"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"video": [
"route": {
"name": "v1"
"properties": {
"LookupTableInput": "LUT",
"ColorPrimaries": "hlg",
"VideoRange": "narrow"
Use the following properties (or the ColorSpace
property) to specify the color space produced the the LUT:
Property | Type | Description |
ColorPrimaries | string | Specifies the location (in XYZ space) of the red (R), green (G) and blue (B) color primaries and reference white point (W). |
TransferCharacteristics | string | Specifies the the Opto-Electronic Transfer Function (OETF) used to convert between scene linear light levels and nonlinear component values. |
VideoRange | string | Specifies the range of signal values that represent the real component values in the normalized range of 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (peak white) |
External LUT Job Submission
The composition in the the following API request provides an external LUT file to be used for a color space conversion.
"type":"mov ",
Predefined Lookup Tables
Use the LookupTableName
property to specify a predefined lookup table for color space conversion. For example the following composition will use a BBC lookup table to convert from HDR10 to HLG:
- name: input1
- name: v1
color_primaries: bt2020
transfer_characteristics: pq
matrix_coefficients: bt2020
video_range: narrow
- name: output1
- route:
name: v1
LookupTableName: BBC1
"input": {
"container": [
"name": "input1",
"video": [
"name": "v1",
"color_primaries": "bt2020",
"transfer_characteristics": "pq",
"matrix_coefficients": "bt2020",
"video_range": "narrow"
"output": {
"container": [
"name": "output1",
"video": [
"route": {
"name": "v1"
"properties": {
"LookupTableName": "BBC1"
BBC Lookup Tables
Transform supports the following BBC developed lookup tables for HLG color space conversions:
Name | Input | Output | Notes |
BBC1 | BT2020 PQ | BT2020 HLG | 1000 nit peak |
BBC2 | BT2020 PQ | BT2020 HLG | 4000 nit peak |
BBC3 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Display referenced (100% SDR = 75% HLG) |
BBC4-1 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Scene referenced (100% SDR = 75% HLG) |
BBC4-2 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Scene referenced (100% SDR = 75% HLG), High resolution |
BBC5 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Display referenced (100% SDR = 83% HLG) |
BBC6-1 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Scene referenced (100% SDR = 79% HLG) |
BBC6-2 | BT709 | BT2020 HLG | Scene referenced (100% SDR = 79% HLG), High resolution |
BBC7 | BT2020 HLG | BT2020 PQ | 1000 nit peak |
BBC8 | BT2020 HLG | BT709 | |
BBC10 | BT2020 S-LOG3 | BT2020 HLG | 100% S-Log3 = 90% reflectance = 73% HLG |
BBC11 | BT2020 S-LOG3 | BT2020 HLG | 200% S-Log3 = 90% reflectance = 73% HLG |
BBC12-1 | BT2020 HLG | BT709 | Scene referenced (79% HLG = 100% SDR) |
BBC12-2 | BT2020 HLG | BT709 | Scene referenced (79% HLG = 100% SDR), High resolution |
BBC14 | P3D65 PQ | BT2020 HLG | 1000 nit peak |
BBC15 | BT2020 HLG | P3D65 PQ | 1000 nit peak |
Updated over 1 year ago