Output store - Azure
How to set up Azure Blob Storage as output storage in Telestream Cloud
Azure Blob Storage is massively scalable object storage from Microsoft.
Adding Azure as store options requires you to have a storage account with Microsoft Azure. This is where your data is stored in the containers (equivalent of buckets in AWS S3). You can start with the free account for now.
Now, let's create a storage account. It must belong to an Azure resource group which is a logical container for grouping your Azure services. When you create a storage account, you have the option to either create a new resource group, or use an existing resource group.
Creating storage account
Log in to Azure Portal and click "Create a resource" on the dashboard.
Pick "Storage account" from available options to start configuration.
Select preferred subscription model and either create a new Resource group or use an existing one. Next, are the instance details. Enter a name for your storage account. It must be unique across Azure and be between 3 and 24 characters in length, and can include numbers and lowercase letters only.
Location choice is strongly dependent on where do you plan to process your files and their final destination. If your source files are in the US East it's recommended to use this region to limit latency when moving files.
You can leave other settings at their default values. Click "Review + Create" to proceed review setup and validate settings.
Click on the "Create" Button to finish.
Create a container
From the dashboard go to Storage Accounts view and click your newly created account. Scroll down to the "Data Storage" section located on the left hand column and click "Containers".
To add a new Container click "+ Container" above the list of containers. You will see a side panel expand where you enter a name for your container and access level. Leave it at default setting - Private. Click Create and you're done.
Access Keys
Now go to "Access Keys" located on the left hand column. This is where you can see the access keys for the corresponding storage account. You'll need the contents of the access key when adding a store to Telestream Cloud. Click on the "Show keys" button and copy the contents of "Key 1".
Adding your store to Telestream Cloud
Login to your Telestream Cloud account and go to Manage Stores.
Click on the "Add Store" button and Select the Azure Blob Storage as the output store type. Provide a store name and enter the "Storage Account" that was created and the Storage Access Key that was copied earlier from the Azure Portal. Enter the name of your Azure container and click "Add Store" to finish.
That's it, your Azure storage is ready for use with Telestream Cloud.
Updated about 2 years ago