Stream Monitor - Billing Dashboard
You can now easily keep track on costs associated with the Stream Monitor billing dashboard and integrated cost estimation within the Stream Monitor dashboard.
Stream Monitor Pricing
Stream Monitor is priced in units that are consumed based on monitoring. A single service unit is $0.30. The service will consume units based on a number of factors. The billing dashboard presents detailed pricing triggers and a summary of usage. Stream Monitor channel status views also present a realtime estimate on the number of units consumed since monitoring began for that channel.
In general, a service unit is consumed when the service has monitored an asset in 1 location for 1 hour. However, the consumption rate can be heavily influenced based on selected features. To keep price estimation simple, we have made every effort to reduce the number of optional features that impact the consumption rate, but in many cases there are real costs associated with monitoring options. Features that have increase the consumption rate are as follows:
Contribution Feed / Transport Stream Monitoring: 400% (4 x units consumed per hour)
Extended Data Retention - 30 Days: 50% (1/2 additional unit consumed per hour)
Extended Data Retention - 60 Days: 100% (1 additional unit consumed per hour)
Premium Codec / Resolution Support (HEVC / Dolby Digital / UHD / HDR): 50% (1/2 additional unit consumed per hour)
Advertising Signal Detect / Assurance: 25% (1/4 additional unit consumed per hour)
Premium CDN QOS Reporting & Analysis: 25% (1/4 additional unit consumed per hour)
When channel monitoring is started, the number of service units being consumed is calculated based on the type of monitoring, number of assets monitored, number of locations monitored and features enabled. This makes it easy to see exactly what the run rate is for a given channel configuration.
An example: Stream Monitor user wishes to monitor an end-to-end channel. The channel consists of a Zixi enabled live contribution feed, a HLS feed and an MPEG DASH feed. The user wishes to monitor the Zixi feed in one location, and each ABR stream in 5 locations. The user also wishes to enable DAI monitoring, measuring DAI propagation and receive alerts if ad markers are not present at least once every 30 minutes. Every hour, the channel will consume...
Zixi Feed Contribution Asset (1 Location): 4
HLS Edge Asset (5 Locations): 5
MPEG DASH Edge Asset (5 Locations): 5
End-to-end DAI Monitoring: 1/4
TOTAL: 14.25 units / hour ($4.275 / hour)
Stream Monitor Channel Cost Estimation
Once you've configured and started monitoring a channel, Stream Monitor presents a realtime estimate on service costs associated with the channel. As the monitoring time increments, the service units consumed and estimated cost are presented.

Telestream Cloud Billing Dashboard
The Stream Monitor service contributes to the Telestream Cloud billing dashboard. This is where you can see exactly what your current bill is, and see how your bill has changed over time.

Telestream Cloud Billing Dashboard
Updated over 4 years ago