September 15 - Transform Engine Release

Transform Engine - Telestream Media Framework Update
Version: 2021-09-001

August 31 - Transform Engine Release

Transform Engine - Telestream Media Framework Update
Version: 2021-08-001

August 18 - Transform Release

New changes to the Transform user interface and composition preprocessor:

July 21 - Transform Release

New changes to the Transform user interface and composition preprocessor:

June 29 - Transform Release

New changes to the Transform user interface and composition preprocessor:

June 24 - Telestream Media Framework Update (Transform)

Transform Engine Updates
Engine Version 2021-06-001

June 7 - Transform Release

Continuing to improve our latest product, Transform.


May 20 - Telestream Media Framework Release (Transform)

Transform Engine Version: 2021-05-001


May 20 - Transform Release

Added some fixes to our new Transform product to address customer needs.


April 14th - Telestream Cloud Transform General Availability

Welcome to the newest member of the Telestream Cloud family! The Telestream Cloud platform now offers Transform, an API based transcoding solution that offers access to the Telestream Media Framework. To learn more about our Transform product please see here: Product Announcement, Technical Documentation