March 30 - Cloud Qualify Hot Fix
almost 2 years ago by Samuel Iacono
Qualify Version: 2023.002
QC Engine Version: 2023.3.2
The template upgrade function has been improved with the following updates:
- Users can now upgrade existing QC templates to be compatible with new engine versions, rather than manually create new templates each time an upgraded QC engine is released. Automatic template upgrades are only supported from container version 2023.1.1 and forward. Any templates that pre-exist this engine version will need to be manually upgraded.
- To use the latest engine version the customer must initiate the template upgrade process on their existing template. The user may simply navigate to “Templates” and click “Upgrade” to initiate this process. Once upgraded, the new template will appear with the current engine version listed and maintain the previous template ID for automation purposes. The previous template that was upgraded will be replaced by the new upgraded one. Once the template in question has been upgraded it can be used to run a job against the latest container version.
Important Notes
Aggregate Alerts
- The option to aggregate job alerts has been consolidated from “Aggregate Warning Limits” and “Aggregate Error Limits” , to “Aggregate Alerts”. This function now encompasses the aggregation limit of all alerts, regardless of whether they are reported as info, warnings, or errors. If the value of “Aggregate Alerts” is left blank or set to 0 then no aggregation of alerts will take place.
- This has an effect on the template a user upgrades, as the upgraded template will not carry over the values for “Aggregate Warning Limits” or “Aggregate Error Limits”. The original value will be carried over and attached to the “Aggregate Alerts” field automatically.